Missing values for replicate weights

 Good morning,

I am using SAS to generate estimates from pooled 2012-2015 ACS PUMS data. Below is the macro I am using to average the 4 years of replicate weights. Also shown below is the error message indicating that missing values are produced. How have others addressed this problem?

Thank you, Shondelle



123        *****************************;

124        *MACRO for Replicate Weights*;

125        *****************************;

126        DATA work.popfinal;

127            SET sasuser.final;

128        %macro weightadj;

129                  %do i=1 %to 80;

130                  NEW_PWGTP&i. = PWGTP&i.*(1/4);

131             %end;

132        %mend;


134        %weightadj;


136        run;


NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values.

      Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column).

      78 at 134:27   78 at 134:35   78 at 134:35   78 at 134:35   78 at 134:35   78 at 134:35   78 at 134:35