Joining ACS 2015 Data with Census Block Shape files 2015

Hi There,

I'm trying to join the demographics from ACS 2015 data with Block Shape files from 2015 on BlockGroupID (Block Group FIPS code) and see some of Block groups are missing from ACS that are in Census Shape file. I'm wondering what is the reason behind this. I'm new to this kind of geographic data and the group itself. Would love to hear some expect options on how I can get complete information. 

Attached google drive link contains the Block Groups ID (FIPS Codes) from ACS 2015  that did not match with Census Shape file 2015. 


Thanks !



Mohammed Ayub

  • Hi Mohammed - have you checked to see if there is any population data for the missing block groups? That would be what I'd look for first - if there is no population in the block group then there would be no reason for there to be a record for that in the ACS data.

  • Hi Jami - Thanks for getting back. I realized that I framed my question incorrectly.
    Yes, you are right these block groups are not present in ACS 2015 but they are present in Census Shapefile 2015. And my question would be why are they present in Census but not in ACS ? And Census 2010 has some population associated with these block groups, my thinking is
    1) Is that because ACS does not capture all block groups but census does
    2) or, there are changes over time in the geographical block groups, they are merged or broken out every year depending on lot of factors?

    Mohammed Ayub
  • Hi Jami - Thanks for getting back. I realized that I framed my question incorrectly.
    Yes, you are right these block groups are not present in ACS 2015 but they are present in Census Shapefile 2015. And my question would be why are they present in Census but not in ACS ? And Census 2010 has some population associated with these block groups, my thinking is
    1) Is that because ACS does not capture all block groups but census does
    2) or, there are changes over time in the geographical block groups, they are merged or broken out every year depending on lot of factors?

    Mohammed Ayub
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