calculating approximated MOE's for summed estimates that =0

I am working on calculating approximated MOE's for summed estimates in ACS data. I understand that when at least one estimate 0, the MOE calculation should use only the largest MOE value for the estimates that equal zero (slide 26, Does anyone have experience with programming this rule into SAS (or Stata)?

Thoughts/guidance would be most appreciated.




  • Miriam Please contact me directly
  • Piece of cake:

    * fake data
    input id group estimate moe
    101 1 36 56
    102 1 0 25
    103 1 0 28
    104 1 0 31
    201 2 0 24
    202 2 58 62
    301 3 0 27
    302 3 0 19
    303 3 0 22
    401 4 0 27
    501 5 73 49
    502 5 22 26
    601 6 48 37
    * groups 1 and 2 are generic cases of mixed zero and nonzero estimates
    * group 3 is all zeroes -- expect MOE = 27
    * groups 4 and 6 have only one case -- expect MOE to roll over
    * group 5 is a generic case with all nonzeroes
    list, sepby(group)

    egen tot_est = sum(estimate), by(group)
    * sum the MOEs for nonzero estimates
    egen sum_moe_sq = sum( moe*moe*(estimate>0) ), by(group)
    list, sepby(group)

    * isolate out the zero estimate with the largest MOE
    bysort group estimate (moe) : replace sum_moe_sq = sum_moe_sq + moe*moe*(estimate==0)*(_n==_N)
    list, sepby(group)

    * propagate the largest sum_moe_sq to the whole group
    * if there were no nonzero estimates, as in group 5, this is innocuous -- no changes are made
    * if there were any nonzero estimates, the sum of squared MOEs was modified once
    * by the largest MOE^2 of the nonzero estimates, and that's the MOE to use
    bysort group (sum_moe_sq) : replace sum_moe_sq = sum_moe_sq[_N]
    list, sepby(group)

    * take the square roots
    gen tot_moe = sqrt(sum_moe_sq)
    list, sepby(group)

    * c.f. target MOEs where nontrivial
    di sqrt(56*56+31*31)
    di sqrt(62*62+24*24)
    di sqrt(49*49+26*26)

    This of course can be wrapped into a program, or even into an -egen- command. And a Stata Tip should be published in Stata Journal on this :).