Using the ADJINC variable in 3-year PUMS files

Has anyone used the ADJINC variable with any of the income variables in the three-year PUMS files?

I'm using the '10-'12 file trying to take the median of the pernp variable by various groups, and the data dictionary says to use the adjinc values to adjust all the pernp values to inflation-adjusted 2012 dollars, but I'm a little confused as to what exactly to do. Here's what I'm currently doing, is this correct?

*2010 record;
if adjinc = 1061121 then pernp_adj = pernp * (1061121/1000000);
*2011 record;
if adjinc = 1039506 then pernp_adj = pernp * (1039506/1000000);
*2012 record;
if adjinc = 1010207 then pernp_adj = pernp * (1010207/1000000);
