2012-2016 Language - no local geographies

It looks like table B16001 isn't available for any geographies besides national, state, and congressional district. Last year it was available for geographies down to census tract. Is this no longer available? Was there any notification of this change with the language data?

  • Extremely disappointed that B16001 won't be available for small areas. The consolidated C16001 is available, but only has 12 non-English languages over the detailed 42 non-English.
  • I came across this problem yesterday and was quite surprised in light of a Census Bureau press release that featured the break out of additional languages in this table. I'll be able to work around this problem once the PUMS data is available, but it is very disappointing in light of the complicated fabric of languages used in many areas.

    Cliff Cook
  • I came across this problem yesterday and was quite surprised in light of a Census Bureau press release that featured the break out of additional languages in this table. I'll be able to work around this problem once the PUMS data is available, but it is very disappointing in light of the complicated fabric of languages used in many areas.

    Cliff Cook
No Data