2012-2016 Language - no local geographies

It looks like table B16001 isn't available for any geographies besides national, state, and congressional district. Last year it was available for geographies down to census tract. Is this no longer available? Was there any notification of this change with the language data?

  • A solution would be possible if (1) we could have locally-defined tract-aggregated geography for areas of 65K+ population, and (2) the bureau would agree to publish data for characteristics (such as language) reported by a specific defined population, such as 5%, or e.g. 200, speakers of that language. This requires programming that the bureau has not done in a long time. We did once get such data for commuting and/or migration from specific nearby cities or counties, but that was a long time ago (1980?).
  • A solution would be possible if (1) we could have locally-defined tract-aggregated geography for areas of 65K+ population, and (2) the bureau would agree to publish data for characteristics (such as language) reported by a specific defined population, such as 5%, or e.g. 200, speakers of that language. This requires programming that the bureau has not done in a long time. We did once get such data for commuting and/or migration from specific nearby cities or counties, but that was a long time ago (1980?).
No Data