2012-2016 Language - no local geographies

It looks like table B16001 isn't available for any geographies besides national, state, and congressional district. Last year it was available for geographies down to census tract. Is this no longer available? Was there any notification of this change with the language data?

  • Since I started this thread, since Census people read this, I'd just add that it's amazing that this much data gets released with the quality it does every year, particularly with the challenges the bureau is facing right now. We'll always want more and have complaints, but overall they've done a very good job.
  • Since I started this thread, since Census people read this, I'd just add that it's amazing that this much data gets released with the quality it does every year, particularly with the challenges the bureau is facing right now. We'll always want more and have complaints, but overall they've done a very good job.
No Data