Defining Hispanic

The ACS has these questions:

Is Person 1 of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No, not of Hispanic origin
Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano
Yes, Puerto Rican
Yes, Cuban
Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print origin, for example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on

When reports are prepared, how exactly is "Hispanic" defined? Is just the first part used ("No, not of Hispanic origin") or is it some combination of all the parts? Do they have to say No to part 1 ("No, not of Hispanic origin") AND yes to one of the other parts ("Yes ....")?


[Updated on 6/30/2014 12:22 PM]
  • If a person checks any box but "no" then they are counted as Hispanic. There are other tables in the ACS which report on specific origin, specifically B03001 and C03001.

    It would be a survey completion error if someone checked "No, not of hispanic origin" and any of the "yes" options.