PUMS variable "meanings"

Hello. Does anyone know of any good documentation about the meaning of each of the PUMS variables? The data dictionaries only give the "full name" of the variables, not necessarily what they are. I recall seeing such a document at some point, but can't find it now. In particular, I'm trying to figure out how the variables "OC" ("Own Child"), "PAOC" (Presence and Age of Own Child), and "RC" ("Related Child") are the same/different.

Any help would be appreciated!

  • I imagine you're looking for the subject definitions file. It's on the overall ACS Technical Documentation subsite for Codes, Lists, Definitions, and Accuracy. On the ACS PUMS Technical Documentation subsite for the same thing you can find the data dictionary.


    Subject Definitions
    Definitions of population and housing variables to help you understand the results of the American Community Survey
    pdf file 2016 Subject Definitions [7.9 MB]
  • I imagine you're looking for the subject definitions file. It's on the overall ACS Technical Documentation subsite for Codes, Lists, Definitions, and Accuracy. On the ACS PUMS Technical Documentation subsite for the same thing you can find the data dictionary.


    Subject Definitions
    Definitions of population and housing variables to help you understand the results of the American Community Survey
    pdf file 2016 Subject Definitions [7.9 MB]