ACS and EEO Employment Tables

I have been asked to help update our city's EEO report.  EEO requirements require that we report out data using the EEO-4 job categories found in section 3 of this web page. This job classification system does not match the one that is used in the current ACS, a more detailed version of which can be found in table S2401.  There is also a simplified 6 category system used in many other occupation related ACS tables.  I also looked into the 2010 EEO ACS file, which has not been updated as far as I can tell.  The EEO file includes tables using a job category classification that is similar to the EEO-4 system, but does not one-to-one.

Has anyone come across a similar data challenge? Were you able to find data that can be compared to EEO-4 or did you not do so?  It is unclear to me if that step is a necessary one, since I am unfamiliar with the overall EEO process.

  • Hi Cliff,

    I realize you presented this question quite a while ago, but this thread has greatly helped me with a problem I'm facing right now. I'm at a similar road-block right now - need to categorize ACS occupation data by EEO-4 job category, but haven't found a crosswalk with the most updated EEO-4 categories (#5 as "paraprofessional").
    Any chance you found a solution to your original question?

    Thanks for your help!
    Tindol Pate
  • Yes, I did get help from Todd Graham who shared with me a SAS script for parsing the data into the EEO4 categories. However, the script is quite legible and you can do the same task in Excel easily. If you contact me by email at ccook at I share the script with you.
  • Yes, I did get help from Todd Graham who shared with me a SAS script for parsing the data into the EEO4 categories. However, the script is quite legible and you can do the same task in Excel easily. If you contact me by email at ccook at I share the script with you.
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