Getting at Counties in PUMS

I am measuring disconnected youth (ages 16-24 neither in school nor working) in each state and working with the ACS 1-year PUMS to generate these estimates by state by year. No problem there; I can match state-level estimates reported by Measure of America But the goal is to generate county-level estimates. 

Now if I have read the documentation correctly, PUMAs are the smallest geography I can get at with the PUMS. This is probably why Measure of America relied on  "custom tabulations provided by special arrangement with the US Census Bureau" to generate their county estimates of disengaged youth.  

What would requesting custom tabulations such as this entail? I imagine there is a fee and a process to request such a tabulation. Has anyone had any experience with such requests and if yes, would be willing to share the essential steps? I suppose I am really looking for someone to tell me it can't be done without a hefty fee but do lie to me :)



  • I would suggest using the IPUMS data, which has counties and cities, where they are available.  The PUMAS now are with one or two exceptions based upon Tracts.  Before they were based upon Summary Level 80, which was tract split by place (and MCD).  You can use the Tract data, to figure out what fraction of a puma is in or out of a county.  The way they are delineated varies widely from state to state.  Some are non-contiguous.  But less so with the ones based upon the 2010 Census.


  • I would suggest using the IPUMS data, which has counties and cities, where they are available.  The PUMAS now are with one or two exceptions based upon Tracts.  Before they were based upon Summary Level 80, which was tract split by place (and MCD).  You can use the Tract data, to figure out what fraction of a puma is in or out of a county.  The way they are delineated varies widely from state to state.  Some are non-contiguous.  But less so with the ones based upon the 2010 Census.


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