Sharing R code to use ACS PUMS (html factsheet on Vietnam Veterans)

Hello Everyone!

I'd like to share some code that I wrote to create a very simple html page that lists some statistics about Vietnam Veterans. I used R and RStudio to create a reproducible html page. I created a GitHub repo ( that will allow anyone to reproduce, reuse, etc.

In the repo you will find a script that gets the PUM csv files (US and PR), consolidates the csv files, creates survey objects, subsets for Vietnam Veterans and saves the resultant survey objects as Rds files. There is another script that will create a statebin map showing the population distribution. Most important of all the RMarkdown document that creates the html page. The page can viewed here: 

I'd like to get some feedback (point out errors and suggestions for improvement) from the community. Hope this helps! 

  • The use of jackknife as a variance estimation method with a weird multiplier is obscure, but I understand that's how some of the Census materials recommend doing that. (The SDR method that these weights actually implement is arguably closer to BRR and the bootstrap in both the letter -- the formulas it relies on -- and the spirit.)

    Cool work, thanks for sharing!
  • The use of jackknife as a variance estimation method with a weird multiplier is obscure, but I understand that's how some of the Census materials recommend doing that. (The SDR method that these weights actually implement is arguably closer to BRR and the bootstrap in both the letter -- the formulas it relies on -- and the spirit.)

    Cool work, thanks for sharing!