New Release and Upcoming Webinar

The U.S. Census Bureau has been developing based on user feedback received over the last two months and the latest release of is now available.  Please take a few minutes to check it out and send comments to A list of Release Notes and FAQs is on the landing page to help you navigate what datasets are available and what features are included.
With the improvements and new features in this release, you are now able to:
  • Download large tables
  • View all blocks in a county for 2010 decennial products
  • Select all two-level NAICS codes including the total for all sectors
  • Click a button on the table display to view all columns on economic tables, not just the default columns
  • View iteration tables for detailed races, ancestries, tribal groups, or countries of birth using American Community Survey 1-Year data
*Note: Use the Advanced Search to access data for iterated population groups in the preview platform. In a future release, we will add functionality to access these data through the single search bar and improve the table display for iterated tables. 
To learn more about this release, join our public webinar on October 30th where we will dive into more details and demo the latest update of
Webinar: An Update on the New Dissemination Platform:
Tuesday, October 30 at 2PM (Eastern)
Join Webinar (WebEx Meeting)
Dial-in Info: 888-790-3246
Passcode: 9053769
Please keep in mind that this site is still developing!  We aren't ready for you to do an exhaustive review of, but take a look and let us know what you think. All feedback is helpful so please take a minute to send some our way at!