2017 5-year Summery File Templates

Hi. Does anyone from the Census know if they'll be releasing the 5-year Summary File Templates prior to the data release? I'm referring to this file (from last year): https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/summary_file/2016/data/2016_5yr_Summary_FileTemplates.zip. Last year, it was released a week before the data release, but doesn't appear to be released yet this year (I would expect to find it here: https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/summary_file/2017/data/). It's very helpful for our preparation in processing ACS.




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  • Hi Caleb, thank you for your response. It was very convenient how the template was released early in previous years, so that we could prepare our databases.

    JamiRae, thanks for your offer. We need to have the template files sourced from the Census in the format of previous years, so we'll just wait until those are provided.
  • Hi Bernie, thank you for this insight. I will check with the Summary File team about releasing the template early again moving forward.