Where can I find Vintage population estimates and components of change 2000-2010?

I hope this is the right place to ask this question: I am looking for Vintage population estimates and more importantly the components of change at county level (in Virginia). I found it here for the year of 2010-2017: https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/datasets/2010-2017/counties/totals/co-est2017-alldata.csv; The site to the file link is here: https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2017/demo/popest/counties-total.html. However, for the year of 2000-2010, I could not find it anywhere on American Factfinder or searching in census site. Could anyone help me? I mainly wants to get the figures on international migration from the Vintage components of change data. Thank you very much!

  • Thanks Patty and Jami for your quick answers!
    I'd like to share that I found this ftp site that contains historical population estimates including the vintage one: www2.census.gov/.../
    It takes a bit a dig and find in the layers of folders to get the data I look for, but it worked!

    The NHGIS is a very neat site with a lot of historical information indeed, but just does not have the population component piece I was looking for. I will definitely come to NHGIS for my later research!

    Thank you guys! Have a wonderful New Year!
  • Thanks Patty and Jami for your quick answers!
    I'd like to share that I found this ftp site that contains historical population estimates including the vintage one: www2.census.gov/.../
    It takes a bit a dig and find in the layers of folders to get the data I look for, but it worked!

    The NHGIS is a very neat site with a lot of historical information indeed, but just does not have the population component piece I was looking for. I will definitely come to NHGIS for my later research!

    Thank you guys! Have a wonderful New Year!
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