List of districts associated with an address or geo-code

Apologies if this is the wrong forum for this question.  What I would like to do is send an address or geo-code and get a "return" response of all of the districts or boundary files associated with that address.  For example, the list would contain: Congressional District, Upper and Lower State Legislature, School Districts, County, Transportation Districts etc.  From that list, we would then query specific ACS data associated with each district.  For example, population, median household income etc.  The API queries appear to dump all the data.  I suppose we could do that, but then I'm just replicating the a lot of ACS database.  I'd rather pull what we need based on our user's profile (their address or geo-location).  We can also limit API calls if addresses share the same set of districts because we already have that data.  Is there a method to do a geo-query to get a list of districts?  Note that at this time, we are not rendering map shapes. Thanks!

Parents Reply
  • Hi Diana ... yes, I saw the feature using the manual look up. However, because we have 10's of thousands of users and plan for many more ... we need an API mechanism to pull the list of districts and then keep that list as part of our users' profiles. This allows us to serve of relevant civic content for the users very quickly and easily while also avoiding hitting service providers with thousands of api calls. I did find some resources via the Open Civic Data effort with Google and Democracy Works ..... we're going to test some things out and see how it goes. Note that ballotpedia offers this capability. However, they are very expensive for us, so we're looking for alternatives that don't break the bank :)
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