Hi all,
I am trying to find data regarding the number of businesses and the number of employees by census tract. I am having a difficult time and hope for some guidance. Thank you for any direction!
Martha You can find an estimate of the number of employees per tract in the CTPP data product found here: ctpp.transportation.org/.../ This is a special analysis of the ACS done for the transportation planning community. Another possible source is the LEHD program - Local Employer Household Dynamics - which is a Census product that uses employment data reported as part of the unemployment insurance system among other sources. Data is available at the block level through the OnTheMap application but has noise injected to provide privacy protection. Both of these have their shortcomings. Another possibility is a private data provider such as Infogroup but that gets expensive quickly. As for the number of business establishments I am not aware of any data set with wide coverage at the tract level. I'd follow Patty's suggestion and start with your regional Council of Government. They probably have at least one person familiar with this topic if not several.