RA Job Opening – Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies

Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies is seeking applications for a Research Assistant to conduct quantitative research on issues related to housing and home improvement markets and policy. Please share with anyone you think would be interested.

Specific duties include: statistical analysis of large-scale databases; database management; design of research methods and approaches; preparing material for reports, research briefs, and working papers drafted independently and in collaboration with senior staff; and designing and delivering research presentations.

Candidates must have experience using statistical software packages such as SAS or Stata. Experience working with Census PUMS data is a plus, as is experience with GIS mapping tools.

Preference given to those with a master’s degree in economics, public policy, urban planning, or a related field. Must have strong analytical, oral, and written communication skills.

To learn more about this position and to apply, please visit: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home?partnerid=25240&siteid=5341#jobDetails=1485993_5341.