Comparing 2005-9 ACS 5 year with 2010-14 ACS 5 year

I am seeking advise on how to handle the issue of different population controls used in weighting the ACS 2005-09 period estimates from those used in weighting the ACS 2010-14 period estimates. The Census Bureau notes this as a special problem in making these comparisons which have different base populations. Considering that, what have others done to make this adjustment before making comparisons of ACS estimates and MOEs? It would seem that the standard calculations suggested in the Compass booklets would need to be adjusted. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Joe Francis
  • That is the page indeed, John. I have asked a person on the ACS staff at the Census Bureau for help on this--suggestions, workarounds, etc. So far no response. To me this is a cruel turn of events for geographies that don't meet the threshold population for receiving ACS 1 year releases. These units have been waiting since 2009 to make statistically appropriate comparisons with non-overlapping pooled samples. First they take away the 3 year releases. Now this.
  • That is the page indeed, John. I have asked a person on the ACS staff at the Census Bureau for help on this--suggestions, workarounds, etc. So far no response. To me this is a cruel turn of events for geographies that don't meet the threshold population for receiving ACS 1 year releases. These units have been waiting since 2009 to make statistically appropriate comparisons with non-overlapping pooled samples. First they take away the 3 year releases. Now this.
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