Hi ACS folks,
Could you please help with this question. When working with say a Total Population (b01003) table and choosing Geography, how could I choose a Block Group level and go across all counties in a state? It seems too cumbersome to have to download data county by county in a state like Texas, especially when I need some 35 tables.
Thank you very much for any help!
Oksana Nekrashevych
Also, if you have SAS and know how to use it, you can download these datasets directly using this link: mcdc.missouri.edu/.../ Then you could join them first by GeoID, so you truly could get all of these vars at the same time.
Warning: These are HUGE files, especially for the MOEs. And if you're looking at block groups, you'll definitely need the MOEs.
Thank you so much for your help!!! I do have SAS and know a bit about it, but never used it since I got my Statistics certificate 6 years ago. Do you have a code that you could share as an example of how to do several variables and join them by GeoID?I would really appreciate it!
Something like:
data acs2018.combined;
by GeoID;
Pretty basic stuff.