I'm trying to locate 2014-2018 Gini index values by zip code. I was able to find this information in American Fact Finder back in Feb/March, but I'm not having any luck with the new data.census.gov site. I've been using the Gini index data table (B19083) and selecting "2018: ACS 5-year estimates" for the product, but then I'm not able to select zip codes in geography. I've tried other product selections and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Do you need data for the whole country or just a subset? I have found it really difficult to work with ZCTAs on the new site because they don't nest within other geographies (so no filtering by state) and there are too many of them to easily get the full national data set. If you want a relatively small number of zip codes, I have had success selecting ZCTAs by hand using the map view on data.census.gov. If you need data for the whole country, you could try the API (e.g. https://api.census.gov/data/2018/acs/acs5?get=NAME,group(B19083)&for=zip%20code%20tabulation%20area )
You can get this from MCDC's site, here: mcdc.missouri.edu/.../broker
This link will get you a CSV file of Gini Index (with MOEs) for all ZCTAs: http://mcdc.missouri.edu/cgi-bin/broker?_PROGRAM=apps.dexter.sas&_SERVICE=MCDC_long&quicklook=0&path=%2Fpub%2Fdata%2Facs2018%2Fbase_tables_5yr&view=0&hasxys=0&haslookupvars=1&hasgeoid=1&latvar=&lonvar=&sasdset=uszctas17_20&aardvark=&dlm=csv&lst=none&dbfile=none&fkey1=&op1=&value1=&logic1=and&fkey2=&op2=&value2=&logic2=and&fkey3=&op3=&value3=&logic3=and&fkey4=&op4=&value4=&logic4=and&fkey5=&op5=&value5=&logic5=and&maxobs=&idv=geoid&idv=AreaName&idv=zcta5&_subtype=+&v=B19083i1&v=B19083m1&varlist=&title2=&subtitle=&footnote=&sortby=&_aggby=&_agglvl=1&_means=&_mweights=&_dropvars=_lvl_++_nag_&rept_byvars=&rept_idvars=&orient=portrait&fmtstmt=&renamestmt=&labelstmt=&transby=&transprefix=&transname=&transidlabel=&_y0lat=&_x0long=&ranksteropt=no&_debug=&C2=ON