Differences between the versions of ACS PUMS?

I am aware of three providers of ACS microdata: Census Bureau (currently down due to the government shutdown), IPUMS at University of Missouri (ipums.org), and Missouri Census Data Center (mcdc.missouri.edu). Does anybody know if they are fully compatible with one another? I had issues with different IDs between the IPUMS and the Census versions.
  • There are still 2 questions:

    a) I assume that IPUMS works with the BUCEN samples. Thus, why the difference in IDs, and exactly was are these differences?

    b) Any differences betwen the Missouri Census Data Center ACS microdata and the other two versions?

    Also, IPUMS is at the Univ of Minessota.

    Oleh Wolowyna
  • There are still 2 questions:

    a) I assume that IPUMS works with the BUCEN samples. Thus, why the difference in IDs, and exactly was are these differences?

    b) Any differences betwen the Missouri Census Data Center ACS microdata and the other two versions?

    Also, IPUMS is at the Univ of Minessota.

    Oleh Wolowyna
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