Margin of error for a new geography

I have geospacially clipped census blocks into a new geography to estimate  the population for the new area (new area/old area * population estimate). 

Is there a method to calculate the new margin of error for these new estimates?

  • Since the block populations come from the decennial census they have a 0.0 MoE.  If you assume that the population is uniform across the block then both the estimate and the MoE would scale by the same factor ( new_area/old_area ) * MoE.   I can't think of a way you could quantify the error associated with the fact that it is unlikely that the population is uniformly distributed across the block.  You might be able to find a research paper on this.



  • Since the block populations come from the decennial census they have a 0.0 MoE.  If you assume that the population is uniform across the block then both the estimate and the MoE would scale by the same factor ( new_area/old_area ) * MoE.   I can't think of a way you could quantify the error associated with the fact that it is unlikely that the population is uniformly distributed across the block.  You might be able to find a research paper on this.



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