Hello! I am looking for a list of Central Business Districts (CBDs) and the corresponding Census Tracts that make up the CBDs. In this Census paper, there is a link to to a dataset that appears to be what I am looking for: http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cbd.html. But unfortunately, this link appears to be dead.
Does anyone know where I can find such a list of CBDs and associated tracts on the new Census website or elsewhere? Thanks!
It looks like the CBD program was done away with in the early 1980s: https://web.archive.org/web/20120925011908/https://www.census.gov/geo/www/cbd.html
In this day of malls and sprawl and metropolitan reefs…
In this day of malls and sprawl and metropolitan reefs, it'd be interesting to apply their 40 year old definitions to see how well they hold up.
The wayback machine is a great solution for this - thanks for pointing that out!
And yes, I'm sure there will be many adjustments that need to be made to those tracts in this day...
I created a CBD file in 2004/updated in 2008 following a Brookings methodology with 2010 tracts for the top 100 metros. LED wasn't in public use then, but you could run that data with our LED file to determine a general rule to update the tracts to today's economy.
https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/30571/411941-High-Cost-and-Investor-Mortgages.PDF (for reference, how we used it)
https://urbanorg.box.com/s/72d9059qzbbykw9z0utih665k5sdp47v (brookings paper)
I don't think it was meticulously documented, but I have the general steps/programs and am happy to share. I'll pull the file from the archive and send along in the next couple of days.
-Kathy Pettit
Hi Kathy - apologies for missing this until now and thanks for your response! The Brookings paper dataset looks very useful even if for only the top 100 metros. In fact, having a list of zip codes with distance to CBD is exactly what I am trying to construct. Would appreciate if you are able to share if it is not too much trouble (either the data or the steps/program)