Fixed Sequence_Number_and_Table_Number.xls for ACS2013_1Yr

We script the importing of ACS summary files into SQL databases based on the Sequence_Number_and_Table_Number_Lookup.xls. In the process of importing the ACS2013_1Yr, we found that some sequence numbers and starting numbers in the lookup Excel file and in ACS_2013_SF_1YR_Appendices.xls are incorrect, i.e., do not match with the the structure of decompressed sequence flat files. Attached is a lookup fixed based on downloaded.
  • Hi Shi-Jen -
    The difference I see between your file and the one I downloaded from the Census Bureau website is that yours does not contain any records that have a decimal number for the Line Number. (Example Table B01002 / Seq 0003 / Line 0.5 is a placeholder row for the label "median age --"). Your revised version may be useful for many users.

    I'd also like to know if there are any other discrepancies that you noticed in the original file? The decimal records were the only differences I noticed, and I would like to make sure I did not miss anything that might affect the results of my work.
  • Hi Shi-Jen -
    The difference I see between your file and the one I downloaded from the Census Bureau website is that yours does not contain any records that have a decimal number for the Line Number. (Example Table B01002 / Seq 0003 / Line 0.5 is a placeholder row for the label "median age --"). Your revised version may be useful for many users.

    I'd also like to know if there are any other discrepancies that you noticed in the original file? The decimal records were the only differences I noticed, and I would like to make sure I did not miss anything that might affect the results of my work.
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