Impact of Migration on Poverty

We are currently working on a poverty study, and have observed that the percentage of residents migrating to our county and migrating away from it are different than the percentage of residents below the poverty threshold in our community. Does anyone know if there is a way to determine how this migration potentially impacts the overall poverty rate?
  • One of the variables available for the PUMS data on the IPUMS web site is MIGPUMA1, which is the PUMA of residence one year ago. I think you might be able to run a report that filters for recent movers from your PUMAs of interest and report on their poverty status. Unless you can group the results from several PUMAs I would try this with 3 or 5 year ACS data to get a big enough sample to be confident in your results.
  • One of the variables available for the PUMS data on the IPUMS web site is MIGPUMA1, which is the PUMA of residence one year ago. I think you might be able to run a report that filters for recent movers from your PUMAs of interest and report on their poverty status. Unless you can group the results from several PUMAs I would try this with 3 or 5 year ACS data to get a big enough sample to be confident in your results.
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