SSI Estimates

Looking at 2014 ACS PUMs data and we are looking at persons receiving SSI income. Can anyone answer why/how person can have $30,000 in SSI income? The maximum benefit is $1100 per month if you have an eligible spouse, so it appears that no one should have a value above $13,200. Any thoughts?
  • Hi Douglas,

    I have no idea how a person gets that kind of benefits, but I ran & uploaded a tabulation on the 2010-2014 file, breaking the population at the $13,200 mark. There are over 746,000 people getting above $13,200, with an average SSIP (in that group) of about $19,000. Some of them do get $30,000. Because the 746,095 live in 680,807 households (PL_Wgtp) the vast majority of them do not live with another person making above the threshold (unless a lot live in group quarters ... ) - I don't know if that helps or not.

    - John Grumbine

    [Updated on 4/19/2016 9:08 PM]
  • Hi Douglas,

    I have no idea how a person gets that kind of benefits, but I ran & uploaded a tabulation on the 2010-2014 file, breaking the population at the $13,200 mark. There are over 746,000 people getting above $13,200, with an average SSIP (in that group) of about $19,000. Some of them do get $30,000. Because the 746,095 live in 680,807 households (PL_Wgtp) the vast majority of them do not live with another person making above the threshold (unless a lot live in group quarters ... ) - I don't know if that helps or not.

    - John Grumbine

    [Updated on 4/19/2016 9:08 PM]
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