Area Median Income / Family Median Income by US County


I'm struggling to find what I thought would be a simple data set:

List of US Counties (County) with AMI for each county (optional with US Census Tract ID)

Nice to have: List of US Counties with Targeted Area Designation (Yes or No)

I have the tareted area dataset for Maryland, but hoping to find the resource to get the data at the national level:

Parents Reply Children
  • The AMI tries to harmonize the limits with the household size.  This is not done in any Census file directly.  The AMI are used for purchases and rentals for the LIHTC Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, some of which can lead to purchases,.  But they are used to set income banks:  Under 30%, 30 to 50% 50 to 80% called extremely, very and low income, and are also used for moderate income 95%, and sometimes limits are set above 100%.

  • Yes, thank you Andrew! The FY Income Limits data is exactly what I need for half of the problem:

    This data helps capture the AMI at the county level and is updated annually. I can then use the 30%, 50% and 80% AMI or build calculated fields based on the AMI at the county level.

    My next challenge is to pull together the areas designated as "Targeted Areas" by County. I located this Maryland file that has the list by County laid out perfectly. But rather than finding the state file, I want to find a US file by County to get a Yes indicator for all Counties designated "Targeted Area"