census tract data about median income and % born in a different state

Want help to understand how can we get census tract level data from the 2019 ACS about median income and % born in a different state for each census tract in a particular metro area

  • From data.census.gov use the search bar and type in B19013 for median household income (B19113 for median family income). After hitting enter, it should load where you can see the table. Click the table title and then to select geographies hit the customize table button. There you will see a geos tab. Since tracts nest within counties and metros are defined by counties, I'd hit census tract, find the appropriate state and county, and then select the top line for all tracts in county. (I assume you know which counties are in the metro you're interested in.) Repeat that tract selection process for all counties and when done all the data should be displayed. You'll want to download the data to work with this many geographies. Use the upper search bar on the output screen and enter B06003 which is a simple table for Place of Birth - be sure to have the radial button checked for "remember these for future searches" so that you don't have to select the geographies again. Hope this helps.

  • From data.census.gov use the search bar and type in B19013 for median household income (B19113 for median family income). After hitting enter, it should load where you can see the table. Click the table title and then to select geographies hit the customize table button. There you will see a geos tab. Since tracts nest within counties and metros are defined by counties, I'd hit census tract, find the appropriate state and county, and then select the top line for all tracts in county. (I assume you know which counties are in the metro you're interested in.) Repeat that tract selection process for all counties and when done all the data should be displayed. You'll want to download the data to work with this many geographies. Use the upper search bar on the output screen and enter B06003 which is a simple table for Place of Birth - be sure to have the radial button checked for "remember these for future searches" so that you don't have to select the geographies again. Hope this helps.
