Block Group: Percent Non-White Householder

To determine the percent of householders that are NOT "White Alone Not Hispanic or Latino" at the block group level, is it appropriate to calculate B1101H / B1101? 

  • Yes, using B11001H and B11001 will work. Your calculation would give you the % White, non-Hispanic so to get those who are not (aka Householders of Color) then you'd have to take 100% minus that value. Alternatively, you can subtract the WnH from the total to get the number for Persons of Color and divide that by the total households to get % Households of Color.

  • Yes, using B11001H and B11001 will work. Your calculation would give you the % White, non-Hispanic so to get those who are not (aka Householders of Color) then you'd have to take 100% minus that value. Alternatively, you can subtract the WnH from the total to get the number for Persons of Color and divide that by the total households to get % Households of Color.

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