I am trying to download the Asian (by sex and age group) population estimates for Miami city (Geography:place) from 1-year ACS survey using the R package tidycensus.The fields are coming up blank (N/A). Can you suggest another place I can download the race*sex*age data (table B01001D) for Miami.
Hello Saima, It looks like those estimates are not released for Miami City (https://data.census.gov/cedsci/table?q=B01001D&g=0400000US12.160000&tid=ACSDT1Y2019.B01001D&hidePreview=true). You might have to resort to using the PUMS.
Miami is so small I can't imagine it's in PUMS, even its Super PUMA combines it with Hlaleah and some unincorporated areas, but you could try subbing Miami-Dade county, that's a much bigger population
Florida PUMA composition