Custom table for 2013 vintage 5-year ACS race/ethnicity & educational attainment for NY PUMAs has only ??s in cells


I'm a new ACS user seeking to create custom tables for race/ethnicity breakdown of educational attainment in all NY PUMAs for ACS 5-year estimates for vintages 2013 and 2018. I've created this easily for 2018 but having trouble with 2013.

I guess due to changes in PUMA for 2013 vintage, there is no option to select PUMA as the geography for this vintage. However, a workaround is to select puma00 and puma10 as variables. These are continuous. However, can then recode to categorical: puma10 range reselected to just 3701-4114 and then recoded to 1-unit increments. I can do this no prob. However, the resulting table has only ??s in each cell, no numbers. I have redone the query multiple times with no change. I have been in touch with Census online help since April as they have tried to assist me with this query, so far no luck. 

I have also tried an alternative approach, using the premade tables C15002H and C15002I which are sex by educational attainment for white/non-Hispanics and for Hispanics, respectively. However, maddeningly, it appears that the other tables I would expect, namely Black/non-Hispanic, Asian/non-Hispanic, etc, simply do not exist. Soooo.... then I tried to use the Black table (not Black/non-Hispanic, since there isn't such a table), which is C15002B, and add in Hispanic variable, but so far I am unsuccessful. 

Can someone help with this? Any other workaround to try?
