We have a query regarding the street address to city/ town village mapping.
All_edges shapefile file only maps the street address at the county level. Mapping of the street address to city/town/village level is missing. How can we associate a specific street level address to a specific place like city/ town/ village?
seeking help.
It looks like batch processing via the Geocoder is limited to a generous 10,000 records at a time.
If you have addresses as point data (latitude, longitude) and also have access to various shapefiles with the desired political or administrative boundaries, you can classify address points by intersection…
The Bureau's geocoder can be used in batch mode as well, although I forget what the limit is on number of addresses in a batch.
If you have addresses as point data (latitude, longitude) and also have access to various shapefiles with the desired political or administrative boundaries, you can classify address points by intersection with the shapefile polygons. This sort of encoding can be done with various tools. For example, the open-source QGIS can do this. It is also possible within programming languages. For example, with the R language, there is an sf package that can be used for this. Here are two links to get you started on either of those:
QGIS - how to classify points from polygons
R (sf package) - blog tutorial of points labeling
Additionally, there are single address calls you can make to many different websites using the physical address. For example, the US Census has this one:
Welcome to Geocoder (census.gov)
Does that help?