Hi All,
I'm glad I found this forum, have a question for a current project that I'm working on.
A discrepancy in the total number of Census Tracts comparing:
This analysis only includes Census Tracts within the 50 states and DC.
For the 50 states + DC, there are:
Hi CJ--
The 74K numbers sounds a lot like the number of tracts up to 2020. You should check and see if the supposed 2021 tracts actually match the 2019, which are the 2010 tracts with a few edits.
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your response.
I need the Shapefiles to calculate the Census Tract centroids, and this is the only source for the Shapefiles that I can find:
The TIGER2021 Shapefiles yield the 84414 Census Tracts mentioned above.
I’m seeking a better source for the latest Census Tract Shapefiles, if the link above is the wrong one.
Thank you,
That repository at www2.census.gov/.../ stores 2021 shapefiles. You can generally get to any other years' shapefiles just by changing the year in that URL. So to get 2019 shapefiles, use www2.census.gov/.../.
Also, you might like to try using IPUMS NHGIS, which provides census tract shapefiles based on TIGER/Line files, but in nationwide files (rather than split up by state), clipped at the coastlines and projected into an Albers equal area conic projection, suitable for nationwide mapping and analysis.Or for census tract population centers (which are more suitable for many types of spatial analysis than the shapefile centroids), see this Census web page.
Hi Jonathan, thank you for this insight.