2014 - 2018 EEO Tabulation - updated EEO Table Tool

Updated and improved EEO Table Tool for the 2014-2018 EEO Tabulation is now available at https://www.census.gov/acs/www/data/eeo-data/eeo-tables-2018/index.php

Updates include additional tables for additional geographies and a new table set of percentages only for 60 CBSAs not available in the original tabulation release. 

Main guidance for the tabulation can be found here: 


This is the most recent tabulation and can be used to update affirmation action plans, etc. The FULL tabulation can be found at the Census FTP site: www2.census.gov/.../

  • Ana

    Thank you.  This is helpful.  Can I summarize the situation by stating that the older EEO-4 classification has been updated and the paraprofessional category eliminated, along with other changes?  Further, that going forward state and local entities that need to use the EEO-4 classification should be prepared to update their employment data to reflect the revised scheme?

  • Ana

    Thank you.  This is helpful.  Can I summarize the situation by stating that the older EEO-4 classification has been updated and the paraprofessional category eliminated, along with other changes?  Further, that going forward state and local entities that need to use the EEO-4 classification should be prepared to update their employment data to reflect the revised scheme?
