PUMA Code/Names Table for 2000 Census

I have written a code-label transformation script in python. One of the code tables is for PUMA with extensions for MIGPUMA, POWPUMA super-PUMAs.

The code tables work for the 2010 Census PUMAs, so I can process PUMAs for ACS years 2012 forward.

The code tables were built using the PUMA-related PDFs and spreadsheets published by the Census.

I am looking for PUMA Code/Name documentation for the 2000 Census PUMAS so I can process PUMAS for years prior to 2012.

I have found the Census 2000 Public Use Microdata Area (PUMAs) Maps.

Does anyone know of a list of PUMAS (2000 Census) to names similar to the PUMA names documentation that are published for the 2010 Census PUMAs.

Thanks in advance.

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