Retired people in 2012 1-year ACS PUMS

Hi, I'm trying to identify the retired people (if possible) in the ACS2012- 1 year database. Does anyone know what variable/variables should I use identify these people? I've searched in the PUMS data dictionary, but i had no luck.
Any help on this is highly appreciated!

  • I will just add that the RETP variable contains the amount of retirement income, if any. So, one way to defined "retired people" is AGE>=65, ESR=6, and (optionally) RETP>0. However, this all depends on your definition of "retired". For example if the person is not in the labor force and is receiving retirement income, how relevant is the age cutoff?

    Doug Hillmer
  • I will just add that the RETP variable contains the amount of retirement income, if any. So, one way to defined "retired people" is AGE>=65, ESR=6, and (optionally) RETP>0. However, this all depends on your definition of "retired". For example if the person is not in the labor force and is receiving retirement income, how relevant is the age cutoff?

    Doug Hillmer
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