Does a "female householder" variable exist without the "no spouse or partner present" ?

I’ve been looking everywhere and I can’t seem to find any ACS data that contains a “Female householder” variable without the “no spouse or partner present”.

Table B11012 of the ACS 2019 5-year contains:
”Female householder, no spouse or partner present"
but it doesn’t contain “Female householder” by itself.

By US Census definition:
“The householder refers to the person (or one of the people) in whose name the housing unit is owned or rented (maintained) or, if there is no such person, any adult member, excluding roomers, boarders, or paid employees. If the house is owned or rented jointly by a married couple, the householder may be either the husband or the wife. The person designated as the householder is the "reference person" to whom the relationship of all other household members, if any, is recorded.”

But that doesn’t allow for female householders who are married or have a partner, correct?

The paper that I’m reviewing states it uses ACS 5-yr estimates and lists one of the variables used as:
“Percent of female-headed households with children under 18”

I’m trying to recreate an ranking/score that the authors create in their paper, so I need this variable to reproduce their study, but in a different geographic region.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

  • It looks like Table B11012 (Households by Household Type) is the best bet for what the original researcher used. That particular table doesn't indicate the sex of householder for either married couple of cohabiting couple households. It does have "female households, living alone" which is useful. The original researcher (not you, JohnThomas) should be faulted for not clearly specifying what "percent of female-headed households with children under 18" really is. What's their denominator? What ACS Table DID they use?

    I scanned the Table shells for the 2019 ACS and couldn't find even a simple table such as households by sex of householder (male, female, total).

    And there's always PUMS. QED to create tables on Households by Sex of Householder by PAOC - Presence and Age of Own Children.

  • Thank you very much - very helpful info here!

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