How to define "percent males in management" from ACS5?

Hello, I am recreating an index for my thesis, and the index used an ACS variable they describe as "percent males in management."

I see 'DETAILED OCCUPATION FOR THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYED POPULATION 16 YEARS AND OVER' with several management positions, from "Chief executives" to "Sales managers", etc.

How would you best recreate the definition of "percent males in management"?

The article in reference is: Messer LC, Laraia BA, Kaufman JS, et al. The development of a standardized neighborhood deprivation index. J Urban Health. 2006;83(6):1041-1062. doi:10.1007/s11524-006-9094-x

Many thanks,


  • So far I am looking at 

      'B24114_011E''B24114_012E''B24114_013E''B24114_014E''B24114_015E''B24114_016E''B24114_017E''B24114_018E''B24114_019E''B24114_020E',     'B24114_021E''B24114_022E''B24114_023E''B24114_024E''B24114_025E''B24114_026E''B24114_027E''B24114_028E''B24114_030E',   'B24114_031E''B24114_032E''B24114_033E''B24114_034E''B24114_035E'
    with 'B24114_001E' as the denominator.
    by census tract.
    However, I'm coming up with "None" using the API for ACS5 for 2018 for Cook County, IL:

    cookmgmt ='acs5'2018, censusdata.censusgeo([('state''17'), ('county''031'), ('tract''*')]),
  • So far I am looking at 

      'B24114_011E''B24114_012E''B24114_013E''B24114_014E''B24114_015E''B24114_016E''B24114_017E''B24114_018E''B24114_019E''B24114_020E',     'B24114_021E''B24114_022E''B24114_023E''B24114_024E''B24114_025E''B24114_026E''B24114_027E''B24114_028E''B24114_030E',   'B24114_031E''B24114_032E''B24114_033E''B24114_034E''B24114_035E'
    with 'B24114_001E' as the denominator.
    by census tract.
    However, I'm coming up with "None" using the API for ACS5 for 2018 for Cook County, IL:

    cookmgmt ='acs5'2018, censusdata.censusgeo([('state''17'), ('county''031'), ('tract''*')]),
No Data