Homeowner Percent of Household Income on Housing Costs by Race and Education Level

I am a new user to ACS and would appreciate some guidance/suggestions on how to create a dataset with the above variables. 

  • Hi there! What geographic level (nationwide? state? county? census tracts?) and time period (one year? many?) are you looking for? And what kinds of data tools are you comfortable using? data.census.gov may be a good place to start for the basics. But if you need a crosstabulation of ALL of those characteristics at once, you'll need microdata. Then https://data.census.gov/mdat/#/ or IPUMS might be the best choice.

  • Hi there! What geographic level (nationwide? state? county? census tracts?) and time period (one year? many?) are you looking for? And what kinds of data tools are you comfortable using? data.census.gov may be a good place to start for the basics. But if you need a crosstabulation of ALL of those characteristics at once, you'll need microdata. Then https://data.census.gov/mdat/#/ or IPUMS might be the best choice.

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