Working on a project to determine tract income designation at the census tract level. I need to compare 2020 tract level median family income to the 2020 MSA median family income. Based on the comparison, I would give each tract a low, moderate, middle, upper income designation. Break down is less than 50% is Low, 50-79.9% is moderate, 80-120% is Middle, and anything about 120% is upper.
Is anyone familiar with this data and/or know where I can find the data?
I know with the new 2020 census, tract definitions are changing, new tracts added, some tracts deleted, and many income designations changing.
Thank you
M. Heringslack
2020 income data are not yet available. And at the tract level it would be from the 5-year ACS (2016-2020) estimates that are being released on March 17. Once they are available you can get it at here's what it looks like for one tracts in one county from the 2019 5-year ACS estimates:
Thank you.
I assume the new tracts (I hear there will be ~85k up from ~73k) will be included in the file?
yes, it will be based on the 2020 Census geography. here's a webpage that describes the geography used:
Well thank you so much!
I am very much looking forward to the new ACS data next week!
All the best.
Mike Heringslack
Are you familiar with the FFIEC census tract flat files released annually?
I compared the B19113 medians to the FFIEC and they don't match. Bummer as we have to match the FFIEC.