Average Travel Time to work

Hi all,

I'm looking to map out the average Travel Time to Work for each Block Group. Does anyone have an references for how to calculate this from the ranges given in B08303 (or there may be another file that I'm missing)? I would like to get a single time value for each Block Group.


  • Table B08013 AGGREGATE TRAVEL TIME TO WORK (IN MINUTES) OF WORKERS BY SEX provides aggregate time for the labor force residing in the blockgroup.  You can divide that by the number of employed persons from a table like B08012 SEX OF WORKERS BY TRAVEL TIME TO WORK.  The equivalent data does not appear to be available for Workplace Geography (ie workforce - all those who work in a place).  You might be able to get data to compute the later values from the CTPP.

  • Thanks for the reply, Cliff! For some reason I'm not seeing either of those tables - my area just may not be large enough. I'll keep looking to see if I can find a similar relationship. I appreciate it!

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