Average Travel Time to work

Hi all,

I'm looking to map out the average Travel Time to Work for each Block Group. Does anyone have an references for how to calculate this from the ranges given in B08303 (or there may be another file that I'm missing)? I would like to get a single time value for each Block Group.


  • I realize now that the problem is that these tables are not available at the blockgroup level, only at the tract level.  This appears to be true for the majority of the commuting related tables in the ACS.  I would take a look at what the CTPP has to offer.  If that is not useful you may have to reconcile to using tract level data, if that is acceptable.

  • I realize now that the problem is that these tables are not available at the blockgroup level, only at the tract level.  This appears to be true for the majority of the commuting related tables in the ACS.  I would take a look at what the CTPP has to offer.  If that is not useful you may have to reconcile to using tract level data, if that is acceptable.

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