Merging the Population and Household PUMS data

Hi Group,

I'm working with the 5 year ACS PUMS data for the state of Indiana to calculate different variables which requires merging the population and household data. I'm working on these using python and SQL and was trying to merge the datasets using a left join (population data, household data) thus keeps all the records from population data and its matching ones from the household data using the serial no. Later If I calculate the variable the number I'm getting for households for different conditions are not matching with the numbers that I obtain from MDAT. Have anyone done similar joins using SQL or Python?


  • You could look at the IPUMS-USA data at the Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. From their FAQs "IPUMS is not a collection of compiled statistics; it is composed of microdata. Each record is a person, with all characteristics numerically coded. In most samples persons are organized into households, making it possible to study the characteristics of people in the context of their families or other co-residents."

  • You could look at the IPUMS-USA data at the Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. From their FAQs "IPUMS is not a collection of compiled statistics; it is composed of microdata. Each record is a person, with all characteristics numerically coded. In most samples persons are organized into households, making it possible to study the characteristics of people in the context of their families or other co-residents."

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