grandparents responsible for grandchildren data in ACS

Hello! I'd like 2016-2020 ACS county-level data for the following indicator:

grandparents (55 years or older) caring for a disabled adult (19‐59 years)

I found table B10051, B10050, and B10002, but none of those datasets provide *quite* what I need. Suggestions? Thank you!

  • Hi! Because the ACS only has relationship to householder, it may be difficult to find the populations you're interested in (the grandparent may or may not be the householder). You may be able to identify at least some households in this situation using the PUMS files.

  • Hi! Because the ACS only has relationship to householder, it may be difficult to find the populations you're interested in (the grandparent may or may not be the householder). You may be able to identify at least some households in this situation using the PUMS files.
