Obtaining ACS 2015-2019 PUMS replicate weights

Can someone please tell where to obtain 2015-2019 ACS PUMS replicate weights. I do not see the option of obtaining the replicate weights in the data.census.gov micro data. And I do not know how to use the FTP files. Do one or more of them contain the 80 replicate weights that go with the ACS PUMS? Thank you.

  • I do see the weights in each individual person and state ftp file. But is there a place to obtain them as one data file, without having to go through each state person ftp file? Thank you.

  • IPUMS USA (usa.ipums.org) offers harmonized versions of decennial census and ACS PUMS data. You can include multiple samples and select only the variables of interest to include in a customized data file. Here is the link to the person-level replicate weights variable (REPWTP); note that this single variable will actually add all 80 replicate weights to your data extract. 

  • IPUMS USA (usa.ipums.org) offers harmonized versions of decennial census and ACS PUMS data. You can include multiple samples and select only the variables of interest to include in a customized data file. Here is the link to the person-level replicate weights variable (REPWTP); note that this single variable will actually add all 80 replicate weights to your data extract. 
