census tracts visualization/maps

Hello. I am using the census-tract level ACS data, and I would like to know if there is a corresponding map to visualize the census tract geographies. Thank you!

  • hi Gwendolyn--

    If you're asking for a map that just shows Census Tract boundaries,  try the map viewer at Census TIGER:  https://tigerweb.geo.census.gov/tigerweb2020/ 

    If you're asking for interactive webmaps that map the ACS data, you have choices!

    1. The Census American Community Survey interactive map from Colorado State Demographer is here https://gis.dola.colorado.gov/CensusAPI_Map_2020/?lat=45&lng=-93&z=9&s=50&v=mhi&sn=jenks&cs=mh1&cl=7 

    • There should be theme change & display tools along the left side of the screen.

    Many state government agencies offer interactive webmaps. I like Colorado's map here because they went the extra distance and deployed a map with ALL the data from ALL the states.

    2. Also very comprehensive and easy to uss are interactive maps at censusreporter. So here is a tract-level map: share of commuters who have long commutes (>60 minutes) https://censusreporter.org/data/map/?table=B08134&geo_ids=140|04000US27&primary_geo_id=04000US27#column|B08134010,sumlev|140 

    Hope that helps!

    --Todd Graham

      Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities

  • hi Gwendolyn--

    If you're asking for a map that just shows Census Tract boundaries,  try the map viewer at Census TIGER:  https://tigerweb.geo.census.gov/tigerweb2020/ 

    If you're asking for interactive webmaps that map the ACS data, you have choices!

    1. The Census American Community Survey interactive map from Colorado State Demographer is here https://gis.dola.colorado.gov/CensusAPI_Map_2020/?lat=45&lng=-93&z=9&s=50&v=mhi&sn=jenks&cs=mh1&cl=7 

    • There should be theme change & display tools along the left side of the screen.

    Many state government agencies offer interactive webmaps. I like Colorado's map here because they went the extra distance and deployed a map with ALL the data from ALL the states.

    2. Also very comprehensive and easy to uss are interactive maps at censusreporter. So here is a tract-level map: share of commuters who have long commutes (>60 minutes) https://censusreporter.org/data/map/?table=B08134&geo_ids=140|04000US27&primary_geo_id=04000US27#column|B08134010,sumlev|140 

    Hope that helps!

    --Todd Graham

      Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities

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