Urban/Rural Classification at Census Tract Level

Anyone know if the urban/rural classification at the census tract level has been published for the 2020 census?


M. Heringslack

  • My agency's contact at FHWA says that the new UA delineations, and all the Urban-Rural determinations for Blocks, will be published in "August or September." (I’d wager on the over side -- not the under.)

    There's not a Census designation of urban or rural tracts.  But it would be easy to summarize the block level numbers into tracts: X% of the population is urban, W% of the land area is urban, etc.


    Todd Graham

  • My agency's contact at FHWA says that the new UA delineations, and all the Urban-Rural determinations for Blocks, will be published in "August or September." (I’d wager on the over side -- not the under.)

    There's not a Census designation of urban or rural tracts.  But it would be easy to summarize the block level numbers into tracts: X% of the population is urban, W% of the land area is urban, etc.


    Todd Graham
