I am fairly new to using the ACS so this may be a simple question but I am getting frustrated. I couldn't find ACS-5 year estimates for total population (table B01003) in some lock groups in Miami-Dade County. I have tried using the SummaryFileDataRetrievalTool_V1. but apparently this is not active since 2015.
I have downloaded the Florida_Tracts_Block_Groups_Only.zip which has hundreds of documents in text format but I can't figure out which one stands for the tables or variables I am interested in, namely table B01003.
Please help. I have been reading the technical documents but I can't figure this out.
Samuel Olah
We have this data at MCDC.
Start at https://mcdc.missouri.edu/cgi-bin/uexplore?/data/acs2010/base_tables_5yr
For table B01003, you need the "ustabs00_075yr.sas7bdat" dataset (contains tables B00001 through B07999)
In the query form, you want just block groups, so create a filter: sumlev = 150
You also just want Miami-Dade County, so another two filters: state = 12 and county = 086
In the section where you choose variables, select all of your B01001 vars in the right box. (for some reason we don't have B01003 in this collection.)
This should give you what you need.
Thank you. I downloaded the Dexter file but I am not sure how to view the estimates according to the corresponding block groups.
You also need to select geographic identifiers in the left box. Geoid and areaname should suffice.
Thank you.