S1701 Data at Block Group Level


I am an undergraduate research student in North Carolina attempting to create an Environmental Justice map of the state. I have seen a few different agencies throughout the state use the S1701 ACS 2019 dataset at the block group level to define poverty, however when I attempt to access this data on the census website it only goes down to the census tract level. Any ideas on where I can find this data? 

- Riley

  • OK, I'm new and I also use S1701, I have never seen block level data through data.census.gov in any table. I don't think I have seen block group or group block either, but I think its listed.  https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/geography-acs/geography-boundaries-by-year.2019.html#list-tab-QKCDQWTYQS4ESLXNGC

    When I search by geo, I can't get any table with results for blocks with no other filters, some table show up but it always state there is an error. So that's a no for the tables and also the API's for the tables, That's also a scratch for Microdata (PUMS). Many people here use R and TidyCensus (I've never used it, but I think that might be your only option, looks fairly easy). Again I'm new here. Also, there is B19083 Gini Index which might be of interest to you although not at the lowest levels. There is also B19057 B19058 for Cash and SNAP payments (there are other tables, but they are what I use.

    You should get more responses soon, good luck.

  • OK, I'm new and I also use S1701, I have never seen block level data through data.census.gov in any table. I don't think I have seen block group or group block either, but I think its listed.  https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/geography-acs/geography-boundaries-by-year.2019.html#list-tab-QKCDQWTYQS4ESLXNGC

    When I search by geo, I can't get any table with results for blocks with no other filters, some table show up but it always state there is an error. So that's a no for the tables and also the API's for the tables, That's also a scratch for Microdata (PUMS). Many people here use R and TidyCensus (I've never used it, but I think that might be your only option, looks fairly easy). Again I'm new here. Also, there is B19083 Gini Index which might be of interest to you although not at the lowest levels. There is also B19057 B19058 for Cash and SNAP payments (there are other tables, but they are what I use.

    You should get more responses soon, good luck.
